I entered the gym to find out the it is actually quite well equipped.
My labmates doing treadmills (below)
Chia doing the bicycle thing (above). I tried this too. For 15 minutes? I think less than that. I started to feel 'acidic' in my legs after only about 3-5 mins. Lousy me.
I followed Chia later to the aerobic section when the instructor arrived. There, I followed the 'step up' or 'stepper' (not sure what it is called) aerobic session for about an hour. There's a piece of solid platform that you need to step up and down, doing some movements while following the rhythms. To be honest, I enjoy this more than doing the 'bicycle' thing. I guess maybe because of the music and the counts that make it interesting and not dull (similar to dancing). I could really feel the 'burning' inside my body after 20 minutes. The result of an hour of aerobic dance? Legs covered with 'counterpain' cream last night + tired legs this morning. Anyway, hope I could keep it up (I mean exercising). Smart brain comes with a healthy body. So, stay healthy and fit!
wah v cool leh. i can never bring myself to exercise which is real bad.
haha. i never imagine that too. but with your whole lot of frens doin it, you will sure go for the fun too.
Many people start walking in the spring and summer outdoors only to quit once the weather turns cold. That is when it is useful to have a treadmill. Treadmills do save lives, everyday more and more people are choosing to get healthier and the majority of beginning exercisers start out by walking or jogging. You can get more information about Treadmillswhich I browsed on internet can fetch you help.
吓到我! 那你很快不是有林志玲的身材liao?! 呵呵呵~
I injured my right knee few days ago after i ran in treadmill back at home. Pse use proper jogging shoes. I got problem walking down stair case now.
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