Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Green Generation Manifesto

In my previous entry, I mentioned a 'Green agreement' that I read from newspaper. It is actually termed 'The Green Generation Manifesto'. It is initiated by Earth Day Network ( in conjunction with 40th anniversary of Earth Day, emphasizing that every individuals, schools and organizations has to be involved in protecting our environment and earth.

Part of The Green Generation Manifesto:
As a representative of the human race, organized as the Green Generation, believing that the ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of the Earth are the sole cause of environmental destruction and social unrest, I have determined to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, unalienable, and sacred rights of the Green Generation so that this declaration, being constantly before all inhabitants of this planet, shall remind them continually of their rights and duties to the world. Therefore, as a member of the Green Generation, I recognize and proclaim, in the presence of Mother Nature, the following responsibilities of the Green Generation and its members.
3. I will stay informed and inform others. I understand that the way the world looks today is not the way it will be tomorrow. The Green Generation will be filled with dynamic, diverse, and differing peoples from across the globe. I, therefore, will take responsibility for my own education, do my best to understand the varying perspectives encompassed by our movement, and push hard for the Green Generation’s singular goal – a clean, just, and sustainable future for everyone.
__ I will recruit 5 people to join the Green Generation
__ I will educate myself on the environmental concerns of our time
__ I will educate others on the environmental concerns of our time

4. I will consume wisely. I will disavow the culture of excess that shapes our society. Today I pledge to lead the way in a clean, just, and sustainable society. I will start by reducing my carbon footprint, and greening my life in any way I can. The Green Generation begins with me as an individual, but I recognize that it is my duty to spread our new way of life to any and all willing to hear its message.
__ I will eat local, sustainable, humane, and organic food when possible
__ I will carpool, use public transit, walk or bike whenever I can
__ I will buy green, energy efficient products when possible

The full Green Generation Manifesto can be downloaded from

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