Friday, April 3, 2009

Undergrads nowadays

Before I begin, let me clarify something, the following concerns that I'm going to voice out come from my observations (which means I may be too subjective and wrong), and I'm referring only to SOME (luckily not all, but the number is increasing I think) of the undergrads.

I've been once an undergrad myself and I knew how it felt to be one. I've also been postgrad for years and have the opportunities to interact with different batches of undergrads either through guiding them on final year projects or being their lab demo in gene manipulation practical class, and this is what I have to say:

A's in SPM or STPM may mean smarter brains but is not equivalent to good quality (attitude) undergrad nowadays.

Yes, they may have more A's and score better in exams, yet they are also quite dependant. In other words, they wait to be spoon-fed. For example, the earliest undergrads that I knew, they were prepared when they came for practical class, and all a demo needed to do is just to guide them on technical part. Nowadays, a demo may also need to guide them through the steps in an experiment, telling them what to do every now and then (even though it's well written in the manual). Of course, there are still independent ones but that's really a minority of them.

With good results, some of them are kinda arrogant and they really need to learn on respecting seniors and lab assistants (luckily so far no undergrads in our lab are like this, maybe because we trained them, haha). I also feel that undergrads nowadays only care about getting their work done. They are not concern on maintenance of equipments and cleanliness in the lab and communal areas. Showing less responsibilities and more selfishness.

Undergrads nowadays are pillars of the society in future. They are the chosen ones (based on their number of A's) to enter universities for tertiary education. With greater potential means greater responsibilities towards oneself and society. The essence of uni education is not about getting good results but about becoming a whole and better man. And this means being humble, responsible, just, compassion and living with integrity. At least this is how I felt.

1 comment:

siangl said...

I was just having some feeling bout this and blog bout it.

Is the generation getting smarter or is the standard of education getting lower?

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