Sorry for the long wait for Part 2. I was a little tired due to Wesak celebration and also dance practice over the weekend.
Ok. Now for Dreams Vs Reality Part 2, I'm going to show you the photos I took with
superstars of the conference (@invited speakers and great researchers of their respective fields). Since they were superstars, they were almost always surrounded by people and I had to grab any opportunity that came to take snapshots with them. Thus, some were caught at lunch or dinner, some near the lift, some in bus. Haha. I felt like I'm one of those fans that hunts for their idols. Just that my targets are these people :

This is Prof Leif Bertilsson (and his wife) from Karolinska Institute Sweden. His expertise is in pharmacogenomics. He is very friendly and nice. I called him 'Santa Claus'.

Prof Edison Liu, Director of Singapore Genome Institute. He gave an interesting talk about his research in cancer genomics. We had a little chat after the banquet where we caught him walking towards the lift. Haha.

Prof Manolis Dermitzakis from Sanger Institute UK. I'm not sure what nationality he is but I suspect he could be Italian or French origin because his 'style' is very different from the UK or USA researchers.

Now this is Yoshikazu Nakamura Sen Seh from Tokyo University Japan. (I suspect the lady is his wife.) His research expertise is in RNA, in which he design medicine using RNA aptamer.

This is the NCBI guy. Dr Steve T. Sherry from USA, working at NCBI. He gave a useful lecture on some new features about NCBI database.

In the middle, the one that looks like Prof Dumbledore is Prof Juergen Brosius from University of Munster, Germany. He not only looks like Dumbledore, but also 'feels' like one. Like very cool, deep and wise man. His research interest is the non-protein coding region of the RNA. His talk was interesting and kind of open up my eyes because according to him, non protein coding RNA probably does code for some phenotypic changes that we have not really understand.

And this is Prof William Cushley from University Glasgow UK. He is the chief judge for oral and poster presentations. He is very nice and friendly too. He gave a lot of encouragements to us young scientists. We felt he really looks like Mr 'KFC'. Apart from that, the other 3 new faces in this photo are postgrads from USM Kelantan. We came to know each other because we had several meals together, coincidentally at the same table. New friends made there.
Besides these, there were other speakers that we didn't manage to catch picture with. The conference is wonderful not solely because of the scientific input or the nice food served, but also because of the people we met; those great speakers, fellow researchers and last but not least the helpful organising committee members of the RCMM.
wow! must be very fun and fruity trip! tell me more on friday. =p
yeah sure!
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