Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thanks Nana

After a loooooooong wait, finally I got IT... Nope, I'm not talking about my experiment. I'm talking about this --->
Yes, the comic strip collection from Piled Higher and Deeper. It's a gift from Nana. She bought me book 1. It flew all the way from US to Australia then to me. Although you could actually read all the strips on the internet (there's a link to the website in this blog), it feels very different when you have a copy of them on your bookshelf.
The very first comic strip by Jorge Cham in 1997.
over the years, better illustration...

You know what, if one day Jorge Cham happen to come to my Uni for his roadshow talk, I'll ask him to sign on my copy. (Piled Higher and Deeper do go to colleges and universities for talks.) I wonder whether he ever heard of UNIMAS?

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