2009 QS world university rankings is out!

As usual, the first top ten universities are from UK and US. Harvard University, University of Cambridge and Yale University are the top 3.

If we look at best ranking Asian universities, University of Tokyo managed to make it to 22nd place whereas University of Hong Kong at 24th. Our neighbour's, National University of Singapore (NUS) is ranked 30th. So, where stand our Malaysian Universities? Top 50? Nope, please move down the list. Top 100? Top 150?

Our best ranking can only be found here ---> No. 180 Univeristy of Malaya (the 'oldest' university in Malaysia).
How about in the field of life science and biomedicine?

Let's see. Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, Stanford..... Wait, University of Tokyo is ranked 7th, beating MIT and Yale! Impressive! But again where are Malaysian universities?

There you are ---> No 114. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
Hmmm... Where then stands UNIMAS?
Oops..Sorry, item was not found in any of the lists. Please try again next year.
Unless we could have a fair and unbias system in recruiting academic staffs and students, universities are given more authority in deciding their policies and strategies, and that the focus of research is back to fundamental research (or at least a balance of fundamental and applied), we can never climb higher no matter how many times we shout 'Boleh'. You see, world class universities must have world class management + world class talents but most importantly world class mindset!
Its a very sad thing.
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