Ordinal, Nominal, Discrete, Continuous
H0: M1=M2
T-test, Regression, Correlation, Chi Square....
I need panadols...
I'm not a maths lover, neither am I good at numbers. I only learnt about mean, mod, median or histogram during undergrad. And now I've to apply statistics in my data analysis. With SPSS, it should be easy as long as one know how to key in the data. Yet my problem lies with --> which test should I use? Is it suitable for my research question? What is it that I want to look at? Is it supposed to be parametric or non-parametric?
I have been trying to read the stats book recommended by Dr. L but I failed to read more than 1 hour each time. Numbers! Equations! Who created them? (#_#)
Loss of motivation?
Lacking a sense of direction?
Work not looking viable?
Everything seeming to go wrong?
Yeah, me too!
Don't give up when the pace seems slow.
You might succeed with another blow.
Stick to the fight when you're hardest hit.
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit. (Anon.)
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I'm quitting. It's just a quote from a book that I found meaningful. Dedicated to all of you out there striving hard for research!
1 comment:
i can lend you my SPSS data book for reference... then you will know what those tests are actually for..
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