I went to see a doctor finally on the 3rd night. The diagnose was food poisoning maybe due to consumption of unclean seafood. But I didn't remember myself eating any seafood. HG said perhaps it's due to the taufu we had. (The taufu was brought by another friend for the gathering.) HG said he tasted either crabs or prawns in the taufu. I told the doc I was never allergic to any of those. He said that's why it was termed 'food poisoning' due to dirty seafood. Not likely to be bugs bite because I didn't suffer high fever or what so ever. But the funny part was that I was still given two packs of pills labeled 'allergy/itchiness'. And I asked the doctor why the rashes tend to come out night time and not day time, he said because our immune system is weaker at night, and the blood circulation slows down a bit. I think perhaps it's also because our liver is doing detoxification at night time, thus giving result of this.
Today is the 5th day and I'm still getting rashes and bumps on my limbs especially my legs and feet. I mean it's still itchy but not so bad after I took the pills. At least I could sleep at night. Yesterday morning I woke up 5.30 because it started to itch, I guessed because the pills effect had worn off, so I needed to take the morning dose earlier. Last nite I woke up at 2.30 to find big patches around my elbows but I ignored them and continued sleeping. This morning when I woke up, those on the arms were gone, but instead they appeared on my legs. On my right:
tk k :p
wah the photo looks very serious. now leh? better?
ck: thanks!
nana: that's only when it's on my legs. imagine previously my whole body... now recovered d.
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