Saturday, September 12, 2009


I've always known that in research 1+1 is not always equivalent to 2. And one never really reap what he/she sows. I've always believe that I am able to do it as long as I'm determined enough. Yet lately I'm beginning to doubt my own ability. Am I not good enough for it? Do I not have a pair of good hands? Am I not fit to be a researcher? How come things that work in others' hands just don't work in mine? Yaya, I know if I have time to complain here, I might as well go troubleshoot what went wrong with my experiment. FYI, I've cracked my head trying to figure those out for weeks... and am still cracking head...

I remembered Boss once told me this:

...some may start the journey running, then they will jog, walk and crawl towards the end. some may leave the journey in the middle, but some people will just continue walking with broken legs and arms and crawl if they have to, until they reach the end... is like walking in a dark long tunnel, there seems no hope and it is difficult to go on, but at the end, when you see gleams of light from the end of the tunnel, and when you reach there, you'll feel the happiness...

...believe me, the happiness would be so great, it's one of the happiness in life...

Ok. I'll continue walking and I'll crawl if I have to. Just show me some light!


美慧~❤ said...

jia you! sure u will see the light wif ur hardwork~

lulu_ma said...

i need somebody to shine torch light on me!haha

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