Friday, November 5, 2010

What is to be done, do it now before it's too late

"Even if this is gonna cost us our votes, we will still do it because we don't want to trade in the future of our generations to come." I'm very touched when I read this on the newspaper. It came out from the mouth of Penang Chief Minister YB Lim Guan Eng when he announced the no plastic bag policy in Penang state. (Click here for more details.) I've always felt our country is very far behind when it comes to environment protection. I've been to Taiwan and am really impressed with their effort in environment protection. You don't see polystyrene being used. When you go shopping, you don't see people with plastic bags. Instead they bring their own bags. Same goes for Hong Kong. Now at least in Penang and Selangor, we are starting something before it's too late.

Last night I was watching 'plus minus two degree celsius' on Youtube. It's a Taiwanese documentary, or they called it Taiwanese version of The Inconvenient Truth. There are 2 scenes that remain vivid in my mind after I finished watching. First is these beautiful places that will be gone if the sea level rises by 6 metres (look for a Malaysian scenic spot in one of those) and an Indian 13 year old girl giving speech at a UN summit of climate 'I'm so much concern with climate change because I don't want our future generations to question us just as I'm questioning the need for more countries' actions to climate change today'.

The other is a short talk by Friedman, author of 'Hot, Flat and Crowded'-->

What is to be done? What can we do? Do it before it's too late...If it's not for yourself, think about your sons and daughters, the future generations...


Anonymous said...

ya~at penang~we bring our own shopping bag~in USM we are not allow to bring in polystyrene~and we always being our own container for take away food~hahhah~kuching still don have this kind of action~~~

cklim said...

a wise move by pg gov.

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