Although I read quite some books, I seldom recommend books to others cause I know different people have different 'taste'. But this one to me is a 'Must' read to anyone who are determined to have success in life. Don't get me wrong. It's not a book about motivation or time management or how to sweet talk people or anything. It's about personal change! Something from inside out, not outside in.
I have heard about this book years back but I did not really bother because I thought it's like other business strategy or motivation books. Until I came across it early Feb to get a book for bro Siang's birthday. The book talks about 7 habits which transform one from dependent to independent then further to interdependent. I have just finished reading the first 3 habits and feel that if I could practice them in life, I would be a lot more effective, with time to really do things that matter the most to me. In short, one will experience paradigm shift after reading the book. I'm pretty sure I will need to reread the book because first read is really impossible to digest and absorb everything. And one has to practice them in life then you could better understand what the author meant.
Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose. ~Victor Frankl
My favourite quote from 'The 7 habits of highly effective people'.
No time? Life seems unbalance? Relation problems? Not knowing the purpose of life? Or merely for the reason of self-improvement? Choose to CHANGE now by getting a copy of it and starts reading.
Pinjam pinjam....
Really that effective? I h never believed these kinda books, actually got my hands on the book long time ago but never got past the cover... And yes, I'm still wondering abt the purpose of life or rather the direction i should head for.... hmmmhh, i will give it a shot seeing your strong recommendation... :)
Nana: ask tom to get a copy and read. then u can have his. haha
Rain: yeah, i dun believe those books too. but since u already have a copy then go read and find out.the title itself might make u think it's like any ordinary 'that kinda' book but i think it's more than tat.and i think i see dharma in it, although the author is a christian.
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