First of March is a special day. Our brother, 志伟 got marrried! Almost everyone in KBS teenager section took part in his wedding. Of course la, our 团长 and first among our brothers get married! (I'm being considered a 'brother' to them.)
5.30am, the 兄弟团 gathered at the bridegroom's house
On his way to pick the bride
As usual, closed door=$$$
Second challenge, guess which one belongs to the bride?
Wrong answers...
There is none actually. Hehe. (I contributed to this idea and way of torture.)
Third challenge, read aloud and signed a contract to love and cherish the wife in future.
Finally, gets to the bride!
On the other hand, at KBS prajna hall, preparations going on
Arrival of the couple
Prayers begun
Sharing their happiness
Night wedding reception at Sarawak Club. Cake cutting ceremony
A touching moment, the bridegroom presented flowers to parents as token of appreciation after giving thanking speech.
Old KBSteens gathering
All KBSteens attending the dinner
With the wedding couple
Congrats to Cher Woee!
5.30am, the 兄弟团 gathered at the bridegroom's house
Third challenge, read aloud and signed a contract to love and cherish the wife in future.

lulu... what software did u use to merge your photos?
picture collage. let me check when i home
ya. confirmed it's picture collage
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